Gebruiker met IPhone in de hand

Today, 92% of the world's population owns a mobile device and an average of 70% of our media consumption time is spent on mobile applications. Mobile development has undergone a huge transformation in recent years and this is also clearly visible in the market. At Codana we support you from start to finish in this rapidly evolving market.

How does a mobile application make a difference?

  • Focus

    Every second counts, and modern consumers prioritize ease of use over exhaustive features. Support users by simplifying business processes and providing intuitive user interfaces.

  • The power of native

    A native application has the ability to plug into various hardware functionalities of the mobile device. Functionalities such as the camera, GPS tracking and Bluetooth open the way to creating more intuitive and real-time user interactions.

  • Personalisation

    The cell phone has become a person's personal assistant. Build relationships with customers through personalized push notifications and recommendations. 9 in 10 users tend to stay loyal to companies that recognize them and can provide relevant recommendations.

Looking for an application developer?

Our team is ready for you. We'd love to talk about your project.

Technologies for mobile applications

The distinction between fully native applications and cross-platform applications is barely distinguishable today. At Codana, we therefore choose to build our applications with the powerful React Native framework. 

React Native allows us to create our applications for web and mobile through a single codebase. We do this by writing reusable components that we can plug into any platform. 

This technique offers several advantages:

  • A faster time to market
  • Cheaper implementation
  • Consistent functionality across each platform