Symfony World Online

Because of the current situation in the world, Symfony events are also digital this year. The Symfony community has chosen Hopin as a tool to give Symfony World. 


Author: Joris Vercammen
Joris Vercammen
symfony world

Real-time chat with Laravel, React & Node.js

Learn how we created a real-time chat for the odisee MyCompass project.

Author: Joris Vercammen
Joris Vercammen
real time

5 tips for API Development with Laravel and Fractal

Fractal is a Laravel library to easily structure API responses, use it to structure your API. We give you 5 concrete tips.

Author: Joris Vercammen
Joris Vercammen

DDD Meetup about software design heuristics

Yesterday my colleague Niels and I went to the DDDBelgium meetup with a workshop on software design heuristics by Mathias Verraes. Find out here what we learned from it.

Author: Joris Vercammen
Joris Vercammen
DDD meetup

High performance allocation applications with the Hungarian algorithm

At some point, we all have to deal with some kind of allocation application. The larger the matrix, the more difficult it becomes to find the best combination in a optimal way. This is where the Hungarian algorithm excels.

Author: Sarah Jehin
PHP developer
Sarah Jehin

Flow control with state machines in Laravel

Recently I came into contact with finite state machines in Laravel for the first time while researching an implementation for one of our customers. In this blog I want to briefly explain what such a state machine is and what we can use its functionalities for.

Author: Jinse Camps
Architect | Analyst
Jinse Camps
e-commerce flow

Faster PHP debugging with Xdebug

Xdebug always slows down php processes considerably. By using multiple PHP containers we can offer a solution for this.

Author: Wouter Aerts
Senior PHP developer
Wouter Aerts

Advanced Serializing in PHP

Michelle and the Liip team built a serializer in PHP with an overall performance gain of 55% over JMS


Centralized PHP Logging Patterns

Learn from Elastic developer Philipp Krenn how to centralize your logs using the Elastic Stack.

Author: Jinse Camps
Architect | Analyst
Jinse Camps
Elastic stack

Never* use arrays

Find out why Larry Garfield is very determined you should NEVER use arrays


PHP OPCache, Realpath Cache and Preloading

Jachim Coudenys explains how to boost your performance in this very interesting talk


Keynote by Cal Evans

Let me tell you more about the keynote from Cal Evans, the godfather of PHP, about his journey and the road PHP has taken in general.
