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Case study

Save on energy costs?

Discover the power of the new CREG scan application!


Who is CREG?

CREG, the federal regulator of the electricity and natural gas markets in Belgium, aims to increase transparency and fair competition within the energy market. Every year, it turns out that many Belgian households can save significant amounts on their energy bills. Sometimes there are potential savings of up to 1,000 euros per year for both natural gas and electricity.  

The challenge

Unfortunately, many consumers lack essential knowledge about their energy products, leading to wrong choices when switching contracts and/or suppliers. CREG research shows that 70% of consumers do not know the product name and version month of their energy products, while this information is crucial for an informed decision.  

To address this challenge and help consumers make the right choices, CREG wanted to develop a user-friendly and accessible tool. CREG sought and found in Codana an all-round digital partner to completely reinvent this tool.  

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Codana developed a progressive web application (PWA) called CREG Scan ( The CREG Scan allows a consumer (individual, self-employed or SME) to compare his or her current energy contract with the current offer on the market.  

The updated application offers several advantages: 


With just six simple questions and basic information such as product name and version month, consumers can quickly gain insight into better offers. 


The PWA is optimized for both PC and smartphone, giving users access anytime, anywhere. 

Reminder function

The application reminds consumers twice a year to check their energy contract, which encourages regular comparison. 

Data Management

The tool remembers the last data entered, making the next scan even more efficient. 

Comprehensive comparison

In addition to electricity and natural gas, users can now compare electricity injection and offtake, significantly expanding the tool's capabilities. 

Wider use

The tool is now accessible not only to individuals but also to businesses, allowing a wider range of users to take advantage of its benefits. 

Informational support

At each step in the tool, there is a handy info box that provides additional interpretation and support to the user. 

What is a PWA?

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a type of Web application that uses modern Web technologies to provide users with an app-like experience. PWAs are accessible through a Web browser, but can also be installed on a device, making them behave like native apps.  

They are designed to be responsive, meaning they work well on both desktop and mobile devices. In addition, they offer benefits such as lower development costs and broader compatibility because they do not have to be developed specifically for a particular platform.


The steps performed

  • Analyzing needs

    In collaboration with CREG, Codana identified the bottlenecks (which consumers encounter when comparing energy offers). This research laid the foundation for the functions and design of the new tool. 

  • Development of the PWA 
    Codana developed a progressive Web application using PHP and React. The focus was on an intuitive user experience, fast load times and responsiveness. 
  • Integration of reminder and storage features 
    To help consumers regularly check their contracts, we implemented reminder functions. In addition, the storage feature ensures that consumers do not have to re-enter their data every time. 
  • Content management with Drupal 
    The underlying system is based on Drupal, which allows CREG to independently manage content and notifications. This gives the client full control over content and allows for quick adjustments. 
  • Multilingualism 

    The application was developed in three languages - Dutch, French and English - to accommodate the diverse language groups in Belgium and increase accessibility. 

  • Communication and education
    CREG promoted the new tool and encouraged suppliers to communicate more transparently about their products. Stressing the importance of product names and version months will make it even easier for consumers to make the right choices in the future. 
  • Testing and optimization 
    Before the application went live, we conducted extensive testing to ensure that the tool was reliable and user-friendly. Feedback from test users was incorporated to further improve the application. 

Thanks to the CREG Scan, consumers now have a powerful tool to manage and optimize their energy costs, contributing to a transparent and competitive energy market in Belgium. 

What brings the future?

CREG also urges energy suppliers to clearly indicate the current product name and version month in their contractual communications with customers, both online and on paper. A QR code could also provide direct access to the current rate card. According to CREG, this should make comparison even easier and remove an important obstacle for consumers who want to actively inform themselves about the market offer. 

Interested in working together? 

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